I am trying to upload a laravel project to cpanel hosting server. My laravel version is 5.3 and php version on the server is 5.6.
What I have done is:
- Create a folder called "online_system" to root of file manager.
- Copy contents of laravel project except public folder.
- Create a folder called "online_system" to public_html.
- Copy contents of public folder of laravel project.
- Jump to index.php file.
- Edit
require __DIR__.'/../../online_system/bootstrap/autoload.php';
- Edit
$app = require_once __DIR__.'/../../online_system/bootstrap/app.php';
- Change .env to link DB.
- Open domain/online_system.
Home page is working fine, but as long as I click login or register provided by laravel, then the website looks plain without css load.
How can I solve this problem?
Give it a try
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="{{ url('online_system/css/styl.css') }}" />
Answered By - Morteza Rajabi
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