I'm starting to work on a VueJS project, and I'm discovering a strange syntax. I've marked the lines with comments below.
file(example) : MyModule.vue
const storeCompte = namespace("compte") // namespace is based on 'node_modules\vuex-class\lib\bindings.d.ts'
const storeEvenements = namespace("evenements")
@Component({ // <== ok the @ here is for the decorator
components: {
.... // some code
export default class PageAgenda extends BasePage {
@storeCompte.Getter loggedIn!: boolean// <== but what is this @ doing here ?
@storeRegions.Getter nomRegion!: string // <== and here ?
@storeRegions.Getter regionInstance?: Region // <== here too ?
@storeRegions.Getter listeRegions!: Array<Region>// <== what ?
public filterMobile = false
public otherFiltres: EventParams
mounted(): void {
// some code
//... the code continues
what is the significance of this '@' in this context?
In TypeScript (and ECMAScript as well), the @
sigil signifies a decorator. In TypeScript, it is part of the language, in ECMAScript, it is still a Stage 3 proposal.
A decorator, as the name implies, decorates the language element it is applied to. The language elements that can be decorated are classes, methods, accessors, properties, and parameters.
Note: parameter decorators are a TypeScript-only feature, they are not present in the ECMAScript proposal. Vice-versa, the ECMAScript proposal adds a new class syntax element called class auto accessors and decorators for it, whereas class auto accessors do not exist in TypeScript.
Decorators are, essentially, functions that take a description of the syntax element to be decorated as an argument and can choose to return a modified version of that syntax element.
In this case, based on the naming, it sounds like the decorator is turning the field it is applied to into a getter.
Answered By - Jörg W Mittag
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