I want to assign different and unique parameter in loop to each input tag (v-model)
I tried the code below
<div v-for="item in lst" key="item">
<input :v-model="item"> </input>
<script setup>
var lst = ['first_vmodel_value','second_vmodel_value']
By doing this I want to access to each input tag v-model value. The example above, there are only two item value but actually much more value exists.
- The code above is not working. I want to assign unique v-model value to each input tag. The intent of the code is to access v-model value using lst item, for example first_vmodel_value or second_vmodel_value
use ref/reactive Object - and it's v-model
not :v-model
The content of your lst
would be used to create properties in models
(it's an arbitrary name)
<script setup>
import {reactive} from "vue";
var lst = ['first_vmodel_value','second_vmodel_value']
const models = reactive({});
<div v-for="item in lst" key="item">
<input v-model="models[item]"/>
Or possibly it's better like this
<script setup>
import {reactive} from "vue";
const models = reactive({
first_vmodel_value: '',
second_vmodel_value: '',
<div v-for="item in models" key="item">
<input v-model="item"/>
Answered By - Jaromanda X
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