I'm trying to understand how I can test if observation$
is updated as well as _observations
//This is the function I want to test
public createNewOdour(odour: OdourCreateForm): Observable<ObservationRes> {
return this.http
{ ...odour },
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json',
Accept: 'application/json',
withCredentials: true,
tap(({ data }) => {
const currObservations = this._observations.getValue();
this.updateObservations([...currObservations, data[0]]);
describe('OdourService', () => {
let service: OdourService;
let httpMock: jest.Mocked<HttpClient>;
const observation$ = new Subject<Observation>();
beforeEach(() => {
httpMock = {
get: jest.fn(),
post: jest.fn(),
} as unknown as jest.Mocked<HttpClient>;
service = new OdourService(httpMock);
//This is the test:
it('createNewOdour() updates the observation$ Subject and _observations BehaviorSubject', (done) => {
of({ status: 'success', data: [observationsMock[0]] }),
// Mock the observation$ and _observations Observables
service.observation$ = observation$;
service.createNewOdour(odourCreateFormMock).subscribe((res) => {
// Check if observation$ and _observations have the expected value
service.observation$.subscribe((observationValue) => {
expect(observationValue).toEqual(null)//The tests pass and it shouldn't
I want to check if observation$
subject is updated with HTTP response. I'm expecting to[0]
to be the same as observationValue
but nothing happens. Now it's equal to null and the test still passes when it shouldn't.
Now I'm subscribing to the service Subject and not mocking it. What It works it's been that I'm subscribing it before call the function that updates it. Any better solution?
` it('createNewOdour() updates the observation$ Subject', () => {
of({ status: 'success', data: [observationsMock[0]] }),
// Check if observation$ have the expected value
service.observation$.subscribe((observationValue) => {
The test is just a few lines of code, but with subscriptions it's a bit all over the place. In test setups like this, it's often not obvious if the subscription is asynchronous or not, or if the assertions run at all. That's why I don't like to subscribe in tests and use a promise instead. And in most cases it's a one-shot anyways, or you can use toArray()
if you expect multiple values.
So I would write the test like that:
it('should update the observation$ subject', async () => {
// [Mock setup here]
const obs = service.createNewOdour(odourCreateFormMock)
.pipe(switchMap(() => service.observation$));
const result = await firstValueFrom(obs);
should be a BehaviorSubject, so that the time of subscription doesn't matter.
Answered By - Bastian Bräu
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