Today, I am trying to figure out how to validate a Sign Up form in the backend side (NestJS) of the app. I am just wondering if exists a way to validate password
and passwordConfirm
matching, using class-validator
package to build up a custom validator or exploit provided ones. I am thinking about a class validator, not a field one.
// Maybe validator here
export class SignUpDto {
username: string;
@Matches(/((?=.*\d)|(?=.*\W+))(?![.\n])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]).*$/, {message: 'password too weak'})
password: string;
passwordConfirm: string;
What do you suggest?
Finally I managed to solve the password matching problem thanks to the suggestion of @ChristopheGeers in the comments of my question:
@piero: It's not supported yet as mentioned. But here's an example decorator (@IsLongerThan): LINK .... it checks if a property is longer than another one. So it's possible to compare one property against another. You can use this example to create a decorator that does what you want.
Here it is the solution I propose:
export class SignUpDto {
username: string;
@Matches(/((?=.*\d)|(?=.*\W+))(?![.\n])(?=.*[A-Z])(?=.*[a-z]).*$/, {message: 'password too weak'})
password: string;
passwordConfirm: string;
import {registerDecorator, ValidationArguments, ValidationOptions, ValidatorConstraint, ValidatorConstraintInterface} from 'class-validator';
export function Match(property: string, validationOptions?: ValidationOptions) {
return (object: any, propertyName: string) => {
target: object.constructor,
options: validationOptions,
constraints: [property],
validator: MatchConstraint,
@ValidatorConstraint({name: 'Match'})
export class MatchConstraint implements ValidatorConstraintInterface {
validate(value: any, args: ValidationArguments) {
const [relatedPropertyName] = args.constraints;
const relatedValue = (args.object as any)[relatedPropertyName];
return value === relatedValue;
Answered By - Piero Macaluso
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