I'm trying to run some operations on a Node Typescript project with knex. It is already configured and when using knex-cli to create or run migrations (just as an example) it works perfectly fine. The problem comes when I try to execute a normal operation e.g. insert, when I try to run, it throws an error:
Knex: run\n$ npm install sqlite3 --save\nCannot find module 'sqlite3'\
And that's pretty weird because the knexfile.ts is already configured.
Here I show the files:
import type { Knex } from "knex";
const config: { [key: string]: Knex.Config } = {
development: {
client: 'mysql2',
connection: {
host: 'localhost',
database: 'test',
user: 'root',
password: 'root',
port: 6033,
migrations: {
directory: './src/infrastructure/repositories/mysql/migrations',
seeds: {
directory: './src/infrastructure/repositories/mysql/seeds',
module.exports = config;
The part that is not working:
import { FastifyPluginAsync } from 'fastify'
import knex from 'knex'
const root: FastifyPluginAsync = async (fastify, opts): Promise<void> => {'/create', async(request, reply) => {
// const knexapp = knex({
// client: 'mysql2',
// connection: {
// host: 'localhost',
// database: 'test',
// user: 'root',
// password: 'root',
// port: 6033,
// },
// migrations: {
// directory: './src/infrastructure/repositories/mysql/migrations',
// },
// seeds: {
// directory: './src/infrastructure/repositories/mysql/seeds',
// }
// })
await knex('users').insert(request.body)
return {message: request.body}
export default root;
The code commented is because of another answer I got here that stated using a knex local variable would work and indeed it worked, but I don't think that should be the best idea to solve this.
Please ensure that you are initializing knex with the config before using it to query.
import { FastifyPluginAsync } from 'fastify'
import knex from 'knex';
import {config} from 'knexfile';
const db = knex(config);
const root: FastifyPluginAsync = async (fastify, opts): Promise<void> => {'/create', async(request, reply) => {
await db('users').insert(request.body)
return {message: request.body}
export default root;
Answered By - Michel Floyd
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