I have a typeguard which checks the instance of a dependency.
private isObjectOfA(obj: A | B ): obj is A {
return obj instanceof A;
In the spec file, I have mocked the class A.
jest.mock('./my-package/a', () => {
return {
A: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
return {
someMethod: jest.fn()
import { A } from './my-package/a';
Now during testing, isObjectOfA
always returns false ( because in tests the instance of obj
is returned as 'Object' instead of 'A'. Maybe due to the mock ??). Is there anyway to overcome this issue?
The code for the object creation looks like,
this.myObj = someCondition ? new A() : new B();
In order to pass instanceof
check, prototype chain needs to be established, e.g. with Object.create
jest.mock('./my-package/a', () => {
const ActualA = jest.requireActual('./my-package/a');
return {
A: jest.fn().mockImplementation(() => {
const a = Object.create(ActualA.prototype);
return Object.assign(a, { someMethod: jest.fn() });
Class auto-mock will provide correct prototype chain for a mock as well.
Answered By - Estus Flask
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