I have a JSON response that has teamId from 1 to 43
from the api the numbers are well sorted, but when I try to display them on angular 10 , they end up mixed up, have tried to sort the data using on sort method, but no luck,
what I have so far, component.ts
onSort({column, direction}: SortEvent) {
this.sort = {column, direction};
if (direction === '') {
this.teams = this.teams;
} else {
this.teams = [...this.teams].sort((a, b) => {
const res = compare(a[column], b[column]);
return direction === 'asc' ? res : -res;
in my component.html
<th [sortable]="'teamId'" (sort)="onSort($event)"> Team Code
what could I be doing wrong?
You can create a compare function which you should then pass to the array.sort()
function, where you compare the values of the object to each other.
array = [
{ teamId: '1' },
{ teamId: '5' },
{ teamId: '6' },
{ teamId: '7' },
{ teamId: '34' },
{ teamId: '35' },
{ teamId: '36' },
{ teamId: '37' },
{ teamId: '38' }
sortArray(array: { teamId: string; }[]) {
compare( a, b ) {
return a.teamId - b.teamId
I created a stackblitz where you can test the functionality: Stackblitz
For more insight on how the Array.sort method works see here: Array.prototype.sort()
Answered By - JB17
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