var isGameStarted = false; // Variable pour suivre si le jeu a démarré
function initializeGame() {
// Votre logique d'initialisation du jeu ici
document.getElementById("start").addEventListener("click", startGame);
function startGame() {
isGameStarted = true;
// Ajoutez un écouteur d'événements pour suivre le mouvement de la souris sur l'ensemble du document
document.addEventListener("mousemove", moveStartPoint);
// Changez la couleur des éléments avec la classe "walls" en vert
var wallElements = document.getElementsByClassName("walls");
for (var i = 0; i < wallElements.length; i++) {
wallElements[i].style.backgroundColor = "green";
// Changez le texte de l'élément avec l'id "description"
var descriptionElement = document.getElementById("description");
descriptionElement.innerHTML = "<b>Trouver la sortie</b>";
function moveStartPoint(event) {
if (isGameStarted && isMouseDown) {
// Obtenez la position de la souris par rapport à la fenêtre
var mouseX = event.clientX;
var mouseY = event.clientY;
// Déplacez le point de départ (élément avec l'id "start") à la position de la souris
var startPoint = document.getElementById("start"); = mouseX + "px" ; = mouseY + "px" ;
var isMouseDown = false;
document.getElementById("start").addEventListener("mousedown", function () {
isMouseDown = true;
document.addEventListener("mouseup", function () {
isMouseDown = false;
// Appelez la fonction d'initialisation lors du chargement de la page
window.onload = initializeGame;
In the code I gave you'll notice that after clicking on the component S to control it, t moves outside the borders far away from the cursor that is moving it. I want to drag the component S with my cursor. Any help is appreciated.
You simply are limiting the movement on the Y axis. to be between 0
and startY
which is wrong, as the startY
value can be negative.
newStartX = Math.max(minX, Math.min(newStartX, maxX));
newStartY = newStartY; // Fixed: you cannot max, min this value, as it will be negitive due to the layout of your game, just let it assign to what ever the mouse value it is after your calcs in newstartY
Full Code
var isGameStarted = false; // Variable pour suivre si le jeu a démarré
var isMouseDown = false;
var container, startPoint;
function initializeGame() {
container = document.getElementById("first_div");
startPoint = document.getElementById("start");
document.getElementById("start").addEventListener("click", startGame);
startPoint.addEventListener("mousedown", function (event) {
isMouseDown = true;
// Store the initial mouse coordinates relative to the container
initialMouseX = event.clientX - container.offsetLeft;
initialMouseY = event.clientY - container.offsetTop;
// Store the initial position of the start element relative to the container
initialStartX = startPoint.offsetLeft;
initialStartY = startPoint.offsetTop;
// Prevent default to avoid unwanted text selection
function startGame() {
isGameStarted = true;
// Ajoutez un écouteur d'événements pour suivre le mouvement de la souris sur l'ensemble du document
document.addEventListener("mousemove", moveStartPoint);
// Changez la couleur des éléments avec la classe "walls" en vert
var wallElements = document.getElementsByClassName("walls");
for (var i = 0; i < wallElements.length; i++) {
wallElements[i].style.backgroundColor = "green";
// Changez le texte de l'élément avec l'id "description"
var descriptionElement = document.getElementById("description");
descriptionElement.innerHTML = "<b>Trouver la sortie</b>";
function moveStartPoint(event) {
if (isGameStarted && isMouseDown) {
var mouseX = event.clientX;
var mouseY = event.clientY;
// Calculate the new position of the start element directly under the cursor
var containerRect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
var startPointRect = startPoint.getBoundingClientRect();
var newStartX = mouseX - containerRect.left - initialMouseX;
var newStartY = mouseY - - initialMouseY;
// Check boundaries to keep the start element within the walls
var minX = 0;
var minY = 0;
var maxX = container.offsetWidth - startPoint.offsetWidth;
var maxY = container.offsetHeight - startPoint.offsetHeight;
newStartX = Math.max(minX, Math.min(newStartX, maxX));
newStartY = newStartY; // Fixed: you cannot max, min this value, as it will be negitive due to the layout of your game, just let it assign to what ever the mouse value it is after your calcs in newstartY
// Update the position of the start element = newStartX + "px"; = newStartY + "px";
document.getElementById("start").addEventListener("mousedown", function () {
isMouseDown = true;
document.addEventListener("mouseup", function () {
isMouseDown = false;
function checkCollision(element1, element2) {
var rect1 = element1.getBoundingClientRect();
var rect2 = element2.getBoundingClientRect();
return (
rect1.left < rect2.right &&
rect1.right > rect2.left && < rect2.bottom &&
rect1.bottom >
function checkCollisions() {
var startPoint = document.getElementById("start");
var wallElements = document.getElementsByClassName("walls");
for (var i = 0; i < wallElements.length; i++) {
if (checkCollision(startPoint, wallElements[i])) {
// Collision détectée, changer la couleur en rouge et le texte
wallElements[i].style.backgroundColor = "red";
var descriptionElement = document.getElementById("description");
descriptionElement.innerHTML = "<b>Désolé, vous avez perdu</b>";
isGameStarted = false; // Arrêter le jeu en cas de collision
document.removeEventListener("mousemove", moveStartPoint); // Supprimer l'écouteur d'événements de la souris
break; // Sortir de la boucle, car la collision a été détectée
// Appelez la fonction d'initialisation lors du chargement de la page
window.onload = initializeGame;
Other Issue/bug
also on a side note the game is unplayable as you cannot get past the one block in the middle, so here is the css code to fix that block/wall
margin-left: 185px;
margin-right: 166px;
margin-top: 85px;
width: 135px;
height: 164px;
border: solid 1px;
border-bottom: 0px;
z-index: 200;
Your player starts in the starting location, but its actually way up form the player at, see ref 1
image below
Answered By - Dean Van Greunen
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