I am new to Bootstrap and I'm having trouble getting the popover and tooltip features to work. I had no problem with the drop downs and models but I seem to be missing something for the popover and tooltips.
I am getting tooltips to show up but they are not styled and located like the bootstrap examples. And the popover is not working at all.
Please take a look and let me know what I am missing.
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<p id="tool"class="muted" style="margin-bottom: 0;">
Tight pants next level keffiyeh
<a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Default tooltip">you probably</a> haven't heard of them. Photo booth beard raw denim letterpress vegan messenger bag stumptown. Farm-to-table seitan, mcsweeney's fixie sustainable quinoa 8-bit american apparel <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Another tooltip">have a</a> terry richardson vinyl chambray. Beard stumptown, cardigans banh mi lomo thundercats. Tofu biodiesel williamsburg marfa, four loko mcsweeney's cleanse vegan chambray. A really ironic artisan <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="Another one here too">whatever keytar</a>, scenester farm-to-table banksy Austin <a href="#" data-toggle="tooltip" title="The last tip!">twitter handle</a> freegan cred raw denim single-origin coffee viral.</p>
<h3>Live demo</h3>
<div style="padding-bottom: 24px;">
<a id="pop" href="#" class="btn btn-lg btn-danger" data-toggle="popover" title="A Title" data-content="And here's some amazing content. It's very engaging. right?">Click to toggle popover</a>
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Turns out that Evan Larsen has the best answer.
Using Evan's trick, you can instantiate all tooltips with one line of code:
$('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip({'placement': 'top'});
You will see that all tooltips in your long paragraph have working tooltips with just that one line.
In the jsFiddle example (link above), I also added a situation where one tooltip (by the Sign-In button) is ON by default. Also, the tooltip code is ADDED to the button in jQuery, not in the HTML markup.
Popovers do work the same as the tooltips:
$('[data-toggle="popover"]').popover({trigger: 'hover','placement': 'top'});
And there you have it! Success at last.
One of the biggest problems in figuring this stuff out was making bootstrap work with jsFiddle... Here's what you must do:
- Get reference for Twitter Bootstrap CDN from here:
- Paste each link into notepad and strip out ALL except the URL. For example:
// - In jsFiddle, on left side, open the External Resources accordion dropdown
- Paste in each URL, pressing plus sign after each paste
- Now, open the "Frameworks & Extensions" accordion dropdown, and select jQuery 1.9.1 (or whichever...)
NOW you are ready to go.
Answered By - cssyphus
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