Being in France where the decimal separator is the comma, I wrote this component that displays a line where:
- two numbers are decimal (
have thenumber
type) - but show unexpectedly both different decimal separators: a point for the surface, a comma for the density.
Commune de 176016 habitants et de 80.03 km² (densité : 2,199)
de l'intercommunalité Saint-Etienne Métropole
Why is it so?
<div class="row">
<div class="presentation_cadre" id="presentation_cadre">
<ng-template [ngIf]="isCommuneSelected()" [ngIfElse]="pasDeCommuneSelectionnee">
<h4>{{ commune.nomCommune }} ({{ commune.nomDepartement }} ({{ commune.codeDepartement }}))</h4>
<div>Commune de {{ commune.population }} habitants et de {{ commune.surface / 100.0 }} km² (densité : {{ this.getDensitePopulation() | number:'1.0-0' }})</div>
<div>de l'intercommunalité {{ commune.nomEPCI }}</div>
<ng-template #pasDeCommuneSelectionnee>
Les informations sur une commune s'afficheront ici
public getDensitePopulation() : number {
if (this.commune == null || this.commune.surface == 0) {
return 0
let surfaceKm2 = this.commune.surface / 100.00; // La surface est exprimée en hectares
return this.commune.population / surfaceKm2
For the density, you're using a DecimalPipe, which does the following (straight from docs):
Formats a value according to digit options and locale rules. Locale determines group sizing and separator, decimal point character, and other locale-specific configurations.
Since the current locale is FR (France), it formats it using a comma. You could format the number according to the locale yourself pretty easily with toLocaleString
// NOTE: I only pass "FR" here to show what the French locale would output.
// NOTE: It is an optional parameter, where if you don't provide it, it will
// NOTE: default to the locale of the user
So that would look like this for you:
{{ (commune.surface / 100.0).toLocaleString() }}
Reference: MDN Number.prototype.toLocaleString
Although, to be more consistent, you should just use another DecimalPipe for the area.
Answered By - katniss
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