I making a GET API to fetch an image, the response is status 200 and its data is in byte64 format. The problem here is, I was not able to read the response in my component. My component code is below.
this.userService.getUserProfileById( : Blob)=>
console.log("working"); // after debugging controller is not comming here and there is no error in console
console.log(res); = res;
I know how to convert base64 to image, but I need to get the response in the component first. Here are my headers in network.
Here is my response
I know I might be sending wrong headers while making the API, any one has any suggestions will be much appreciated. Thanks in adavance.
I got a solution for this, The response that I am getting is not a json. We should specifically mention the response type while making a request. check the code down below.
return this.http.get(this.url + '/access/getUserProfileById/' + userId, { responseType : 'text'});
with that, I got the response in string format. Now I converted that into image format.
this.userService.getUserProfileById( : any)=>
this.userImage = this.sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl(`data:image/png;base64, ${res}`);
My html code is below.
<img id="imagePreview" [src]="userImage" alt="profile">
Answered By - Goutham Harshith
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