I'm trying to have plotly express return a string of a div object in html so I can integrate it with other packages. I am trying to follow the documentation (Plotly v5.17.0), and I feel like I'm doing what it tells me to do, but no success.
I'm not sure if I'm missing something obvious (apologies if so) but within the documents in Python I am seeing:
full_html: bool (default True) If True, produce a string containing a complete HTML document starting with an <html> tag. If False, produce a string containing a single <div> element.
Returns ------- str Representation of figure as an HTML div string
Yet, while I can write this div element to a file no problem by making this call with div = fig.write_html(filename, full_html=False)
it will return None
every time.
I found issue in Plotly GitHub: return · Issue #3599 · plotly/
It seems there is mistake in documentation. You have to use .to_html().
div = fig.to_html(full_html=False)
It generates string with ~ 3 600 000 chars
(~ 3.5MB
) because it includes all JavaScript
Using include_plotlyjs=False
you get only ~ 8 000 chars
div = fig.to_html(full_html=False, include_plotlyjs=False)
Answered By - furas
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