I have an image that is saved in mongodb as a series of bytes (see screenshot 1).
As you can this string contains an apostrophe as the first symbol and the same apostrophe at the end of the string.
Then I retrieve this field in Python and encode it via base64:
@app.route("/personal_account", methods=['GET'])
def personal_account():
# get avatar field from database
user = list(db.users.find({"user_id": session.get("user_id")}))[0]
return render_template("personal_account.html",
username = user.get("user_name"),
email = user.get("email"),
avatar = base64.b64encode(user.get("avatar")))
Then for some reason after encoding I see that first and last apostrophes have been encoded too (see screenshot 2, b'):
So I cannot parse the image into my html form because of this couple of apostrophes.
The question is: how can I get rid of this apostrophes in order to parse the image in binary format properly? Thank you in advance!
Finally I found the decision. I needed to encode bytes from mongodb to base64 first and then decode the bytestring to string.
Thanks @Carcigenicate and @0x00 for help!
Also this topic was very helpful in my case.
@app.route("/personal_account", methods=['GET'])
def personal_account():
# get avatar field from database
user = list(db.users.find({"user_id": session.get("user_id")}))[0]
img_from_mongo = user.get("avatar") # <class 'bytes'>, bytestring from mongodb
base64_bytes = base64.b64encode(img_from_mongo) # bytestring encoded in base64
base64_str = base64_bytes.decode("utf-8") # string that is decoded from bytes object
return render_template("personal_account.html",
username = user.get("user_name"),
email = user.get("email"),
bytes_line = user.get("avatar"),
avatar = base64_str)
Answered By - Whatever22
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