I need to pass data within the context menu dynamically. cdkContextmenuTriggerData
does the work but I am confused about how to catch this data within cdkMenu.
Here is my code -
<ng-template #menu>
<div cdkMenu>
<button cdkMenuItem>Edit</button>
<div [cdkContextMenuTriggerFor]="menu" [cdkContextMenuTriggerData]="variable">Right click on me..</div>
The object that you pass to the cdkContextMenuTriggerData
input is basically passed through to the [ngTemplateOutletContext]
. More info about setting and accessing the context in the official docs here.
So it can be accessed using the let-
keyword in the scope of the template (more docs about structural directives and keyword itself here).
Considering your variable
looks something like this:
let variable: { $implicit: { value: 'SomeValue' } }
You should be able to access it like so:
<ng-template #menu let-passedContext>
<div cdkMenu>
<button cdkMenuItem>Edit {{passedContext.value}}</button>
Here's a sample stackblitz.
Answered By - TotallyNewb
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