Angular 16:
When installing or trying to run the Karma Test Explorer in VSCode I get the following error:
Failed to load tests - Test discovery failed: Browser Error - An error was thrown in afterAll
Uncaught ReferenceError: global is not defined
ReferenceError: global is not defined
at Object.7836 (http://localhost:9976/_karma_webpack_/webpack:/node_modules/buffer/index.js:43:30)
at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost:9976/_karma_webpack_/webpack:/webpack/bootstrap:19:1)
at Module.1021 (http://localhost:9976/_karma_webpack_/vendor.js:9566:64)
at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost:9976/_karma_webpack_/webpack:/webpack/bootstrap:19:1)
at Module.6938 (http://localhost:9976/_karma_webpack_/vendor.js:13832:79)
at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost:9976/_karma_webpack_/webpack:/webpack/bootstrap:19:1)
at Module.1529 (http://localhost:9976/_karma_webpack_/vendor.js:27:84)
at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost:9976/_karma_webpack_/webpack:/webpack/bootstrap:19:1)
at Module.9694 (http://localhost:9976/_karma_webpack_/main.js:8153:69)
at __webpack_require__ (http://localhost:9976/_karma_webpack_/webpack:/webpack/bootstrap:19:1)
There are many posts about creating polyfills.ts or js files or your own files and doing imports and adding this code
(window as any).global = window;
(window as any).process = {
env: { DEBUG: undefined },
to these files and placing references in the karma/angular, etc. config files. Regardless of what I do I get the same error. Unfortunately I need these globals for AWS Amplify so I have to declare them somewhere. I can use either polyfills.ts or index.html.
However, in another project I have no karma.config, no test.ts, no polyfills.ts, and no globals defined anywhere and in that project, the Karma Test explorer runs fine. I ripped out all those files and configs and references to those configs in my problem project in the hope that it would help but it did not. I have to keep the globals though which I put in the index.html.
Anyone know how to solve this problem? The AI tools could not come up with a working solution either. My project runs fine at least. I just can't unit test it.
Turns out that my global definitions were fine. There are many possible places to put these globals. The problem was that I did not point to my source of the globals in enough places. I had them in some, but not all. In my case where I placed them in the polyfills.ts file:
I needed two entries in the angular.json
under the 'build'
"polyfills": [
under the 'test'
"polyfills": [
one entry in the
"files": [
and one entry in the tsconfig.spec.json
"include": [
I had not placed the entry in the tsconfig.spec.json
Answered By - Brian Reinhold
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