(i'm new to react btw) So i'm trying to make a code that:
- Reads the value of two select boxes and an input
- Uses the value of the selects to read a Javascript object
- Multiplies the value of the input by the value from the object.
This is what I've got to so far:
const valores = {
longitud: {
metros: {
val: 1,
centímetros: {
val: 0.01,
fuerza: {
newtons: {
val: 1,
dina: {
val: 0.0000001,
const [tipo, setTipo] = useState("longitud")
const [uIn, setUIn] = useState("metros")
const [val, setVal] = useState(0)
const unidades = {
longitud: [
fuerza: ["newtons", "dinas"],
return (
onChange={e => setTipo(}
<option value="longitud">Longitud</option>
<option value="fuerza">Fuerza</option>
<input type="number" id="valor" value={val}
onChange={e => setVal(}/>
<select id="unidadOrigen" value={uIn}
onChange={e => setUIn(}>
{unidades[tipo].map(u => {
return <option value={u}>{u}</option>
This part works fine. However, I'm not sure how to do the next one. I want to show a text that shows the result, for which i did this
<div id="resultado">El resultado es {val*valores[tipo[uIn[val]]]}</div>
but it shows nothing, and {val*valores[tipo[uIn.val]]}
says uIn is undefined. Is something wrong with my code, and if not how could I achive that result?
The way you are accessing the objects is causing the issue.
The correct way would be to do
const result = val * valores[tipo][uIn].val;
The final code would look like this.
Please note that I made some changes in the onChange handler for the first select as it was leading to a bug. The default of uIn
needed to be changed when tipo
was modified
import { useState } from "react";
export default function App() {
const valores = {
longitud: {
metros: {
val: 1
centímetros: {
val: 0.01
fuerza: {
newtons: {
val: 1
dinas: {
val: 0.0000001
const [tipo, setTipo] = useState("longitud");
const [uIn, setUIn] = useState("metros");
const [val, setVal] = useState(0);
const unidades = {
longitud: ["metros", "centímetros"],
fuerza: ["newtons", "dinas"]
const result = val * valores[tipo][uIn].val;
return (
onChange={(e) => {
<option value="longitud">Longitud</option>
<option value="fuerza">Fuerza</option>
onChange={(e) => setVal(}
onChange={(e) => setUIn(}
{unidades[tipo].map((u) => {
return (
<option key={u} value={u}>
<div id="resultado">El resultado es {result}</div>
Tip: Instead of hardcoding values in the unidades
variable, you can use the javascript method Object.keys()
to generate the options dynamically. That way, when new options are added, you don't need to make a lot of changes in a lot of places.
Answered By - Ashish Shevale
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