Basic Setup:
I have a modal form that has a custom directive (child element) inside of it. The custom directive is a button. The modal consists of an input checkbox as well.
The End Goal:
Whenever the checkbox is 'checked', the custom directive/button element should be enabled. If the checkbox is 'unchecked', the custom directive/button should be disabled.
What I have so far AKA my thought process:
In the 'modalController' I put an ng-model on the checkbox input to dynamically change the value of a variable (isChecked). When the input is checked it sets the $scope.isChecked value to true, when it's unchecked, $scope.isChecked is false.
In order to disable the button I would pass the value of 'isChecked' from the modalController to the custom directive where its value can be put in the ng-checked expression on the button located inside the directive template (see-below).
The Problem
When I try this solution, the console log shows an error saying "inputCheck is not defined". This happens as soon as the page loads, so the console log gets printed before the user can even click the checkbox. Any ideas on how to make this work?
Modal html:
<div ng-controller= "modalController">
<input type="checkbox" ng-model="isChecked">
<button-directive inputCheck="isChecked"></button-directive>
angular.module('starter').directive('buttonDirective', function ($uibModal) {
return {
restrict: "EA",
templateUrl: "app/directives/button-directive.html",
scope: {
inputCheck: "@"
controller: ['$scope', function ($scope) {
<button ng-checked="inputCheck">
Working the way you did.
You were passing attribute wrong, angularjs have a bad thing IMO that is when you are passing values to a directive like that inputCheck, you must write it different with hiphen so it needs to be input-check
<button-directive input-check="isChecked"></button-directive>
And your scope declaration must use equal sign
scope: {
inputCheck: "="
Answered By - Ramon Marques
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