I am currently trying to create a music app based on the following video:
I am at the linked timestamp, and I have written the code exactly as shown in the video, but for some reason, when I try to seek, the input is set back to 0 and therefore so is the song. My code for this part:
let currentStart = document.getElementById('currentStart');
let currentEnd = document.getElementById('currentEnd');
let seek = document.getElementById('seek');
let bar2 = document.getElementById('bar2');
let dot = document.getElementsByClassName('dot')[0];
music.addEventListener('timeupdate', () => {
let music_curr = music.currentTime;
let music_dur = music.duration;
let min1 = Math.floor(music_dur / 60);
let sec1 = Math.floor(music_dur % 60);
if (sec1 < 10) {
sec1 = `0${sec1}`;
currentEnd.innerText = `${min1}:${sec1}`;
let min2 = Math.floor(music_curr / 60);
let sec2 = Math.floor(music_curr % 60);
if (sec2 < 10) {
sec2 = `0${sec2}`;
currentStart.innerText = `${min2}:${sec2}`;
let progressBar = parseInt((music_curr / music_dur) * 100);
seek.value = progressBar;
let seekbar = seek.value; = `${seekbar}%`; = `${seekbar}%`;
seek.addEventListener('change', () => {
music.currentTime = seek.value * music.duration / 100;
<div class="bar">
<input type="range" id="seek" min="0" max="100">
<div class="bar2" id="bar2"></div>
<div class="dot"></div>
header .master_play .bar {
position: relative;
width: 43%;
height: 2px;
background: rgb(105,105,170,.1);
margin: 0px 15px 0px 10px;
header .master_play .bar .bar2 {
position: absolute;
background: #36e2ec;
width: 0%;
height: 100%;
top: 0;
transition: 1s linear;
header .master_play .bar .dot {
position: absolute;
width: 5px;
height: 5px;
background: #36e2ec;
border-radius: 50%;
left: 0%;
top: -1.5px;
transition: 1s linear;
header .master_play .bar .dot::before {
content: '';
position: absolute;
width: 15px;
height: 15px;
border: 1px solid #36e2ec;
border-radius: 50%;
left: -6.5px;
top: -6.5px;
box-shadow: inset 0px 0px 3px #36e2ec;
header .master_play .bar input {
position: absolute;
width: 100%;
top: -7px;
left: 0;
cursor: pointer;
z-index: 999999999999;
opacity: .5;
I'm not sure if I am in the wrong, or if the tutorial is outdated.
I figured out it was the platform I was running the code on. Somewhere it had clashed, so I was able to move it to a new host and it worked.
Answered By - Agastonarii
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