Question: Is it possible to retrieve a collection of query string values and assign them to a property of type Filter
in a service component class?
interface Filter{
title?: string;
genreId?: number;
inCinemas?: boolean;
upcomingReleases?: boolean;
rather than doing the following tedious, error prone of retrieval and assignment?
constructor(private route: ActivatedRoute) { }
ngOnInit(): void {
next: params => this.title = params.get('title'),
error: e => console.log(e)
next: params => this.genreId = params.get('genreId'),
error: e => console.log(e)
next: params => this.inCinemas = params.get('inCinemas'),
error: e => console.log(e)
next: params => this.UpcomingReleases = params.get('upcomingReleases'),
error: e => console.log(e)
You could make it very simple, as long as your class properties are the same name as the query string keys, you can do something like this:
export class SearchPageComponent {
title = '';
genreId = '';
inCinemas = '';
upcomingReleases = '';
constructor(private readonly route: ActivatedRoute) { }
ngOnInit() {
// Don't forget to unsubscribe
// Send each query param as a string to the next pipe individually
concatMap(i => Object.entries(i)),
// filter only continue with the current key if the property exists in the class
filter(([key]) => key in this),
// Assign the item to the property
tap(([key, val]) => (this as any)[key] = val)
).subscribe(i => console.log(i));
Answered By - Get Off My Lawn
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