So I am getting an array of results from a nodejs api to my angular app and it looks like this
[ { "session": "2019/2020", "harmattan": [ { "course_code": "CSC104", "title": "Object Oriented Programming", "unit": 2, "status": "C", "result": { "updatedAt": "2020-12-04T11:11:54.557Z", "_id": "5fca1a8daac49e44a40a80e6", "matric_no": "U19CYS1076", "ca": 3, "exam": 48, "total": 51, "point": 3, "grade": "C" } }, { "course_code": "CSC105", "title": "Problem Solving", "unit": 3, "status": "R", "result": { "updatedAt": "2020-12-04T11:11:54.557Z", "_id": "5fca1aaaaac49e44a40a8105", "matric_no": "U19CYS1076", "ca": 3, "exam": 48, "total": 51, "point": 3, "grade": "C" } } ], "rain": [ { "course_code": "CSC101", "title": "Modelling and Simulation", "unit": 3, "status": "C", "result": { "updatedAt": "2020-12-04T11:25:38.901Z", "_id": "5fca1cd729eca3320c6245cc", "matric_no": "U19CYS1076", "ca": 3, "exam": 48, "total": 51, "point": 3, "grade": "C" } }, { "course_code": "CSC102", "title": "Introduction to Computer Science", "unit": 2, "status": "C", "result": { "updatedAt": "2020-12-04T11:25:38.901Z", "_id": "5fca1d2829eca3320c6245eb", "matric_no": "U19CYS1076", "ca": 3, "exam": 48, "total": 51, "point": 3, "grade": "C" } }, { "course_code": "CSC103", "title": "Data Structures", "unit": 2, "status": "E", "result": { "updatedAt": "2020-12-04T11:25:38.901Z", "_id": "5fca1d5429eca3320c62460a", "matric_no": "U19CYS1076", "ca": 3, "exam": 48, "total": 51, "point": 3, "grade": "C" } } ] }, { "session": "2020/2021", "harmattan": [ { "course_code": "CSC104", "title": "Object Oriented Programming", "unit": 2, "status": "C", "result": { "updatedAt": "2020-12-04T11:11:54.557Z", "_id": "5fca1a8daac49e44a40a80e6", "matric_no": "U19CYS1076", "ca": 3, "exam": 48, "total": 51, "point": 3, "grade": "C" } }, { "course_code": "CSC105", "title": "Problem Solving", "unit": 3, "status": "R", "result": { "updatedAt": "2020-12-04T11:11:54.557Z", "_id": "5fca1aaaaac49e44a40a8105", "matric_no": "U19CYS1076", "ca": 3, "exam": 48, "total": 51, "point": 3, "grade": "C" } } ], "rain": [ { "course_code": "CSC101", "title": "Modelling and Simulation", "unit": 3, "status": "C", "result": { "updatedAt": "2020-12-04T11:25:38.901Z", "_id": "5fca1cd729eca3320c6245cc", "matric_no": "U19CYS1076", "ca": 3, "exam": 48, "total": 51, "point": 3, "grade": "C" } }, { "course_code": "CSC102", "title": "Introduction to Computer Science", "unit": 2, "status": "C", "result": { "updatedAt": "2020-12-04T11:25:38.901Z", "_id": "5fca1d2829eca3320c6245eb", "matric_no": "U19CYS1076", "ca": 3, "exam": 48, "total": 51, "point": 3, "grade": "C" } }, { "course_code": "CSC103", "title": "Data Structures", "unit": 2, "status": "E", "result": { "updatedAt": "2020-12-04T11:25:38.901Z", "_id": "5fca1d5429eca3320c62460a", "matric_no": "U19CYS1076", "ca": 3, "exam": 48, "total": 51, "point": 3, "grade": "C" } } ] } ]
Now, what i intend to achieve on my frontend is this:
- Display the Results for every available sessions, Harmattan Semester comes first, followed by Rain Semester.
- I want to sum all the unit of each courses together (TNU) for each semester in session.
- I want to sum the points of each courses together (TCP) for each semester in a session
- Then I want the result of No. 3 (total points) to be divided by No. 2 (total units) to give me GPA.
- The Result of No. 3 and No. 4 will now be kept and added to other semester results accordingly to give the cummulative value i.e CTNU, CTCP, CGPA. That is, total units for Harmattan semester 2019/2020 will be added to Rain semester 2019/2020 and other sessions accordingly. Same with the grade points.
Let me show you how my frontend code looks for now
<div *ngFor="let result of results">
<div *ngIf="result.harmattan.length > 0">
<table class="table table-striped">
<th colspan="2">PROGRAM: {{userData?.department | uppercase}}</th>
<th>ACADEMIC YEAR: {{result.session}}</th>
<th colspan="2">SEMESTER: HARMATTAN</th>
<tr class="thead-light">
<th>COURSE CODE</th>
<th>COURSE NAME</th>
<tr *ngFor="let first of result.harmattan" >
<td>{{first.result.point * first.unit}}</td>
<p>Total Units: **value**</p>
<p>Total Points: **value**</p>
<p>GPA: **value**</p>
<p>Cumulative Total Units: **value**</p>
<p>Cumulative Total Points: **value**</p>
<pCumulative GPA: **value**</p>
<div *ngIf="result.rain.length > 0">
<table class="table table-striped">
<th colspan="2">PROGRAM: {{userData?.department | uppercase}}</th>
<th>ACADEMIC YEAR: {{result.session}}</th>
<th colspan="2">SEMESTER: RAIN</th>
<tr class="thead-light">
<th>COURSE CODE</th>
<th>COURSE NAME</th>
<tr *ngFor="let second of result.rain">
<td>{{second.result.point * second.unit}}</td>
<p>Total Units: **value**</p>
<p>Total Points: **value**</p>
<p>GPA: **value**</p>
<p>Cumulative Total Units: **value**</p>
<p>Cumulative Total Points: **value**</p>
<pCumulative GPA: **value**</p>
Now let me show you a graphical representation of what I'm talking about graphical output
- TNU: Total number of units
- TCP: Total Credit Points
- GPA: Grade Point Average
- CTNU: Cummulative Total Number of units
- CTCP: Cummulative Total Credit Points
- CGPA: Cummulative Grade Point Average
Below of is what i have on my typescript file, if it's needed.
ngOnInit() { this.resultService.getResults() .subscribe(responseData => { this.results = responseData.results; console.log(this.results); this.userData = responseData.userData; }); }
I'll be on the comments section.
Might not be the best solution but try this:
<div *ngFor="let result of resultData; let i = index">
<div *ngIf="result.harmattan.length > 0">
<table class="table table-striped">
<!-- <th colspan="2">PROGRAM: {{userData?.department | uppercase}}</th> -->
<th>ACADEMIC YEAR: {{result.session}}</th>
<th colspan="2">SEMESTER: HARMATTAN</th>
<tr class="thead-light">
<th>COURSE CODE</th>
<th>COURSE NAME</th>
<tr *ngFor="let first of result.harmattan" >
<td>{{first.result.point * first.unit}}</td>
<p>Total Units: {{ totalUnits(result.harmattan) }}</p>
<p>Total Points: {{ totalPoints(result.harmattan) }}</p>
<p>GPA: {{ totalGPA(result.harmattan) }}</p>
<p>Cumulative Total Units: {{cumulativeUnits(result.harmattan, i, 'harmattan')}}</p>
<p>Cumulative Total Points: {{cumulativePoints(result.harmattan, i, 'harmattan')}}</p>
<p> Cumulative GPA: {{cumulativeGPA(result.harmattan, i, 'harmattan')}}</p>
<div *ngIf="result.rain.length > 0">
<table class="table table-striped">
<!-- <th colspan="2">PROGRAM: {{userData?.department | uppercase}}</th> -->
<th>ACADEMIC YEAR: {{result.session}}</th>
<th colspan="2">SEMESTER: RAIN</th>
<tr class="thead-light">
<th>COURSE CODE</th>
<th>COURSE NAME</th>
<tr *ngFor="let second of result.rain">
<td>{{second.result.point * second.unit}}</td>
<p>Total Units: {{ totalUnits(result.rain) }}</p>
<p>Total Points: {{ totalPoints(result.rain) }}</p>
<p>GPA: {{ totalGPA(result.rain) }}</p>
<p>Cumulative Total Units: {{cumulativeUnits(result.rain, i, 'rain')}}</p>
<p>Cumulative Total Points: {{cumulativePoints(result.rain, i, 'rain')}}</p>
<p>Cumulative GPA: {{cumulativeGPA(result.rain, i, 'rain')}}</p>
Ts file :
cumulativeUnits(result, session, semester){
let tnu = 0
var tnuHarmattan = 0;
let thisSemester = 0;
if(session == 0){
if (semester == 'harmattan'){
for(let item of this.resultData[0].harmattan){
tnuHarmattan += item.unit;
return tnuHarmattan;
else if (semester == 'rain'){
for(let item of this.resultData[0].harmattan){
tnuHarmattan += item.unit;
for(let item of this.resultData[0].rain){
tnu += item.unit;
return tnuHarmattan + tnu;
if (semester == 'harmattan'){
for(let i:number = 0; i < session; i++){
for(let item of this.resultData[i].harmattan){
tnuHarmattan += item.unit;
for(let item of this.resultData[i].rain){
tnu += item.unit;
for(let item of result){
thisSemester += item.unit;
return tnuHarmattan + tnu + thisSemester;
else if (semester == 'rain'){
for(let i:number = 0; i <= session; i++){
for(let item of this.resultData[i].harmattan){
tnuHarmattan += item.unit;
for(let item of this.resultData[i].rain){
tnu += item.unit;
return tnuHarmattan + tnu;
cumulativePoints(result, session, semester){
let gpSemester = 0;
let guyCPRain = 0;
let guyCPharmattan = 0;
if(session == 0){
if (semester == 'harmattan'){
for(let item of this.resultData[0].harmattan){
guyCPharmattan += (item.result.point * item.unit);
return guyCPharmattan;
else if (semester == 'rain'){
for(let item of this.resultData[0].harmattan){
guyCPharmattan += (item.result.point * item.unit);
for(let item of this.resultData[0].rain){
guyCPRain += (item.result.point * item.unit);
return guyCPharmattan + guyCPRain;
if (semester == 'harmattan'){
for(let i:number = 0; i < session; i++){
for(let item of this.resultData[i].harmattan){
guyCPharmattan += (item.result.point * item.unit);
for(let item of this.resultData[i].rain){
guyCPRain += (item.result.point * item.unit);
for(let item of result){
gpSemester += (item.result.point * item.unit);
return guyCPharmattan + guyCPRain + gpSemester;
else if (semester == 'rain'){
for(let i:number = 0; i <= session; i++){
for(let item of this.resultData[i].harmattan){
guyCPharmattan += (item.result.point * item.unit);
for(let item of this.resultData[i].rain){
guyCPRain += (item.result.point * item.unit);
return guyCPharmattan + guyCPRain;
cumulativeGPA(result, session, semester){
let tnu = 0
var tnuHarmattan = 0;
let thisSemester = 0;
let guyCPRain = 0;
let guyCPharmattan = 0;
let gpSemester = 0;
if(session == 0){
if (semester == 'harmattan'){
for(let item of this.resultData[0].harmattan){
guyCPharmattan += (item.result.point * item.unit);
tnuHarmattan += item.unit;
return guyCPharmattan / tnuHarmattan;
else if (semester == 'rain'){
for(let item of this.resultData[0].harmattan){
guyCPharmattan += (item.result.point * item.unit);
tnuHarmattan += item.unit;
for(let item of this.resultData[0].rain){
guyCPRain += (item.result.point * item.unit);
tnu += item.unit;
return ((guyCPharmattan + guyCPRain) / (tnuHarmattan + tnu)).toFixed(2);
if (semester == 'harmattan'){
for(let i:number = 0; i < session; i++){
for(let item of this.resultData[i].harmattan){
guyCPharmattan += (item.result.point * item.unit);
tnuHarmattan += item.unit;
for(let item of this.resultData[i].rain){
guyCPRain += (item.result.point * item.unit);
tnu += item.unit;
for(let item of result){
thisSemester += item.unit;
gpSemester += (item.result.point * item.unit);
return ((guyCPharmattan + guyCPRain + gpSemester) / (tnuHarmattan + tnu + thisSemester)).toFixed(2);;
else if (semester == 'rain'){
for(let i:number = 0; i <= session; i++){
for(let item of this.resultData[i].harmattan){
guyCPharmattan += (item.result.point * item.unit);
tnuHarmattan += item.unit;
for(let item of this.resultData[i].rain){
guyCPRain += (item.result.point * item.unit);
tnu += item.unit;
return ((guyCPharmattan + guyCPRain) / (tnuHarmattan + tnu)).toFixed(2);
Answered By - Mubharaq
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