I am working on an existing AngularJS project. I have an object with key, values which displayed on the page. All keys should be with a capitalized first letter, so I apply a filter. But if the key == 'sku' then I need to make all letters to be capital.
Could you advise how can I do that?
Thank you
ng-repeat="(prop, val) in $ctrl.product.additional_properties"
<td class="name">
{{prop | capitalize}}
<a ng-click="$ctrl.propertyClicked(prop, val)">{{val| titleCase}}</a>
The easiest way would be to create separate condition for this case.
<td class="name" ng-if="prop === 'sku'">
{{ prop | uppercase }}
<td class="name" ng-if="prop !== 'sku'">
{{ prop | capitalize }}
But in the future you may want to extend this solution, therefore better soultion (and much more readable) would be to use switch-case option.
<td class="name" ng-switch="prop">
<span ng-switch-when="sku">{{ prop | uppercase }}</span>
<span ng-switch-default>{{ prop | capitalize }}</span>
Answered By - Faustyn Piechowiak
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